BlakDance is a national industry organisation for First Nation contemporary dance. We produce contemporary independent dance artists and emerging small to medium companies. Leading from Queensland, BlakDance is based on Turrbal and Yuggera Country in Meanjin (Brisbane) at the Judith Wright Arts Centre.

BlakDance was founded by Marilyn Miller, established as an outcome of Creating Pathways, the 2005 National Indigenous Dance Forum. This Forum was supported by the Australia Council for the Arts and Arts Queensland. Initially BlakDance was auspiced by Ausdance Queensland and in 2010 BlakDance became a company limited by guarantee.

We are a self-determined, First Nations led Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation and a trusted source of productive, culturally responsible partnerships. We are governed by a voluntary Board that ensures the organisation meets financial and governance responsibilities. The BlakDance Cultural Council ensures Indigenous cultural Knowledges and protocol is part of our everyday business. 

Cultural Council Background

In 2017, BlakDance worked collaboratively with the Board Directors, Terri Janke and the Elders and Peers of BlakDance to discuss cultural governance;

At the October 17 Cultural Governance Workshop (with the Directors of the BlakDance Board, members of the BlakDance Elders group and the BlakDance Peers group in Redfern NSW);

For this BlakDance meeting Terri Janke and her company was invited to assist the company with discussion about cultural governance.

The BlakDance Board, Elders, Peers and Management affirmed that BlakDance wants cultural governance to be a strong foundation for the organisation and its business and that Indigenous culture and practice i.e. lore/law is demonstrably embedded in the foundations of the governance of the organisation.

BlakDance Cultural Council Terms of Reference 2021


The purpose of the BlakDance Cultural Council is to provide cultural guidance and advice to:

  • the BlakDance Board about policy and strategy, and 

  • the BlakDance Leadership Team about operational matters.


  1. To provide a forum for discussing cultural matters relating to the strategic direction and operations of BlakDance.

  2. To bring cultural guidance and industry expertise to BlakDance’s decision-making in relation to partnerships with non-Indigenous organisations based on the Cultural Competency Self Audit.

  3. To bring cultural guidance and industry expertise to BlakDance’s decision-making in relation to partnering and/or producing and/or auspicing First Nations artists and organisations based on the Cultural Protocols Statement.

  4. To seek geo-specific cultural expertise beyond the BlakDance Cultural Council membership for guidance and advice. 

  5. To advocate for BlakDance and act as role models to the sector.


The BlakDance Cultural Council is open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples only. Members will have been actively participating in the arts and cultural sector for at least 15 years. They will have cultural knowledge and specific knowledge about the history of the First Nations arts and cultural sector.

Membership will be inclusive rather than representative. Where possible, membership will be sought from all States and Territories, including the Torres Strait. Membership will be open to men, women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and inter-gender people.

The BlakDance Cultural Council is made of a maximum of nine people. A Board Director may not be a Cultural Council member concurrently and vice versa. 

Nomination and appointment of members

Nomination to the BlakDance Cultural Council can be by self-nomination or recommendation by BlakDance, supported by two members of the Cultural Council or Board.

The BlakDance Board appoints the BlakDance Cultural Council.


The maximum service period on the BlakDance Cultural Council is three years, with an option of renewal for a further three years. A maximum of half the membership will renew at any one time to ensure Cultural Council knowledge is maintained.

A person ceases to be a BlakDance Cultural Council member if the person: 

  • Becomes deceased.

  • Resigns as a member by giving written notice to the organisation 

  • Becomes of unsound mind or a person who is, or whose estate is, liable to be dealt with in any way under a law relating to mental health 

  • Becomes uncontactable based on the contact details provided to BlakDance 

  • Does not attend two consecutive meetings without providing written notice to BlakDance

A member may be expelled at the discretion of the BlakDance Board of Directors should they decide it is not in the interests of the Organisation for the person to remain a member. If this occurs written notice must be given to the member at least one week prior to the resolution being considered by the BlakDance Board of Directors.

How we will operate

  • The Quarterly Cultural Council meeting will be held three weeks prior to the Quarterly BlakDance Board meetings. 

  • Additional out of session meetings may be scheduled to assess Cultural Competency and Cultural Protocols of potential partners, collaborators and artists. These meetings will primarily be held via teleconference or video conference.

  • Chairing meetings is a shared responsibility and will be rotated at each meeting.

  • A quorum is not necessary for a meeting to proceed or decisions to be made.

  • Decision-making will be based on consensus. Where consensus can’t be reached, multiple positions or options may be provided to the BlakDance Board or Leadership Team where appropriate.

  • A BlakDance team member will provide administrative support to the Cultural Council. This includes arranging meetings, preparing and distributing agendas and minutes, following up actions and acting as a conjugate between the Cultural Council and the rest of the organisation.

  • Members will:

    • Advise the Cultural Council of any real or perceived conflicts of interest (see BlakDance Conflict of Interest Policy)

    • Attend all meetings or advise in writing if this is not possible

    • Follow up on actions arising from the meeting\ and share progress with all Cultural Council members. 

    • Annually review the performance of the Cultural Council for possible improvements and amendments to these Terms of Reference

Sitting fees

  • A sitting fee of $250 will be provided to participating Cultural Council members following Quarterly Cultural Council meetings as well as scheduled Cultural Competency Review meetings and Cultural Protocol Review meetings. 

  • Sitting fees will be paid within 7 days of BlakDance receiving a tax invoice.

  • Sitting fees and attendance expenses will also be covered by BlakDance when members are requested, and agree, to represent the Cultural Council or participate in sector gatherings.

  • Approved out of pocket expenses will be paid upon submission of receipt. 

Please complete the Expression of Interest below and enter your Bio in the fields indicated.


Any enquiries can be submitted by email to: